Wednesday 22 June 2016

Even happiness is a choice...its all in your mind!

Saturday 14 May 2016

real feelings never just disappears, you're just going to have to live with it, learn from it and eventually move on...
before anyone else you deserve to be happy...
there is never a great success without some degree of failure...

Friday 13 May 2016

most times, we don't know who we are and until we do...we can't harness our full potentials...

Wednesday 4 May 2016

ever looked back at something so amazing you did and was surprised it was actually from you?
i guess there is more to you to what you can see...#beproudofyou#

Tuesday 26 April 2016

they usually say they understand but i know deep down that they have no idea...
sometimes i wish life was a lot more easier
there are things we can't avoid no matter how much we try and things we just can't do no matter how much we plan...things sometimes just happens and that's life...
we may not always have tomorrow to say what's in our thoughts & express what's in our hearts..why not do it today...

Friday 22 April 2016

it's a terrible feeling to finally see what you've been so searching for, only to let it slip away...

Saturday 16 April 2016

there is always something to be grateful for
the worst thing is not divorce or breaking's staying in an unhappy marriage or relationship
one of the worst things to do is to break yourself so you could mend others...
she said she's got my back while am still aching from the stab i got the last time i believed that...
nothing as painful as being stuck at a point or place where you don't just belong
create the memories you want to remember and be remembered for #makeanimpact#
what determines your life is not the harsh or favourable circumstances but your attitude towards them#alwaysstaypositive#
yes! time heals ALMOST everything but also remember some wounds are deeper than others#giveittime#
don't look back, it's never the destination but just a limitation#forwardever#