Sunday 31 January 2016

 You are the ruler of your destiny

You’re the only force that has the ultimate power and ability to limit what it is you’re capable of, in your palms are the keys to unlock the gateway to whatsoever you desire.
If your unhappy, change your status!
If you are fat, then you work out!
If you feel trapped, unappreciated, ignored, or cheated on or heartbroken..let it go, get a hubby.
There is absolutely nothing that's worth loosing your happiness for.
You'll be stuck with that pain or misery if you don't do something about it..
It's your key and it's your life that's the key hole, only you has the distinctive ability to use it.
 All you need do is  to take a step towards the change you desire.
A poem by  Azoribe Soc Da Nations

We appear
Hands pointing up,
He is there
Asking what's up?
We complain
He explains
Again we complain
Yet He explains.
He loves,
Proved by problems He solves
On Jesus were His demand curves
He shoulders the one He loves!
Our worship
Fellowship we
Each with a placard.
Us: "Give us laws"
"We can keep"
God: "Consider my blood"
"It wasn't cheap"
Yet He is faithful
Even to the ungrateful,
The spiteful,
That grumble.
Every little thing
They sin.
I clean.

YOU have the power to rule your DESTINY

Being happy doesn't mean things are perfect. It just means you've decided to look beyond the imperfections.

awesome: Everybody wants to be happy in life. We all want t...

awesome: Everybody wants to be happy in life. We all want t...: Everybody wants to be happy in life. We all want to live a perfect life. But it ain't always that easy. you have your husband/finance/...

Everybody wants to be happy in life. We all want to live a perfect life.
But it ain't always that easy.
you have your husband/finance/boyfriend-wife/girlfriend to handle with all his/her issues and nagging at home. then at work your boss will not always be the nicest person in the world. Your job will have challenges that you did not foresee. Your workmates will sometimes be a pain. You won’t always get the salary and recognition that you want and deserve at work. Running a business is not as easy as you thought it would be'
Then comes heartbreak, rejection, depression and so on.
Things that make you just want to give up.
BUT the beauty of it is that we all have a CHOICE.
You have a CHOICE to fix your marriage/relationship by becoming a better YOU.
YOU have a CHOICE to put in your best at work and if its not good enough YOU have a CHOICE to wake away.
YOU have a CHOICE to go after your dream no matter how scary.
YOU have a CHOICE to remain heartbroken, depressed and rejection or to get up and move on.
 Fight every day to become the person you want to be. Become the change you want to see
You have total responsibility for what you do and how you respond to the fact that life is a shit.
Your life would be better the moment you start to make a positive change or the moment you take a risk and when you fail, then you'd know the direction to go.

This blog is just a medium to try to motivate you and put a smile on your face each day.