Monday 29 February 2016

yesterday is the past- forget it
today is the present- enjoy it
tomorrow is the future- nurture it
there is just one today and lots of tomorrows to face the consequences of the choices we made today...
Sometimes the wrong way or road is just a shortcut to your destination... 
when you don't have an idea where to go...any road is a start...
when taking today's decisions remember tomorrow's repercussions....
don't loose tomorrow's chances in trying to satisfy today's desires...

Friday 26 February 2016

make an impact in someone's life,
stretch out a helping hand...
it's one of the greatest achievements you could ever have...
one of the best feelings is looking at someone smile or laughing and you know you are the reason behind it...
the worst things that could happen to you...
is meaning nothing to anybody..
and being totally useless...
so many things will pass you by, when you're so scared of getting "NO" for an answer...

Wednesday 17 February 2016

we all have stories to tell....
one of the most difficult decisions you're going to have to make is:
whether to keep trying or to just give up...
to love feels incredible...
to be loved feels so amazing..
to love and to be loved back is mind blowing ...
if you must push new frontiers, you must be able to wade into uncertain territories...

Tuesday 16 February 2016

love is tested at that point when you've seen every reason to leave but you still find one reason to stay....
giving up was never and should never be an option...
when you rely on people...they'll leave you when you need them most..

never expect so much, you'll be left disappointed...
BUT you'd be surprised at how much you'd receive when you expect little or nothing...
most failures were only a few steps away from success....
being awake is a testimony, some weren't able to experience...
when some-thing so good happens to you and you feel it was a mistake or you just don't deserve it...HEY!
you deserve all the best there is...

Monday 15 February 2016

opportunity is nothing except its utilized....
when opportunity meets preparedness and desire...success is inevitable... 
wish there was a control for when to love and when to stop loving...
some people will leave your life and you feel nothing.. and some others will leave and you have to endure the pain for a very long period of time..
in love the worst things that could happen to you are:
- falling in love with the wrong person
and falling in love in the wrong time.
if you can push to the'll realize it was worth the try
if you want to leave a memory, try leaving good ones...
no matter what you face, life still goes go on...why not move along with it?
express perfection in your imperfect self...
awake and very much grateful...

Sunday 14 February 2016

its best to let go of people who are already gone...#freshstart
there are people who you just can't stop loving irrespective of how hard you try or how bad they hurt you....
sometimes i think the heart has a brain of it's own
sometimes love is not just enough....
the typical life teaches hard lessons....

when you say "i love you" make sure you mean it...
don't ever fail to express how lucky you are to have them...
a strong relationship is not determined by the best moments...but by the hard times

Saturday 13 February 2016

you set the standards...there is no limit to what you can do or achieve...
be with someone who is scared of loosing you...
waking up this morning was a gift...
no matter how long the hurt, troubles and struggles's only for a period of time...
even the best marriages have their issues...the difference is how they handled it...
was never told life was going to be easy neither was i told it was this hard...sometimes you got to live life as it unfolds and other times you got to step out of your comfort-zone to add value to the life you want...
Was never told life was going to be easy neither was i told it was this hard...

Friday 12 February 2016

everybody deserves a chance to be in love at one point in their lives or remain in love for the rest of their's one of the greatest feelings one could ever experience....
Problems are always gonna come...they are inevitably!
What matters is how you handle them...
Marriage wasn't meant for a bunch of special people...but with one special person for LIFE!
if he realized your worth when you left...there is a great chance he'd still forget it when you go back...
when you're hurt...its okay to cry
when you're trying...its normal to fail..


make sure you get over it and move on
get past it and keep trying...

Thursday 11 February 2016

Nothing or no one is far too good for deserve the very best...
Don't loose what's meant to be yours...just because you feel you don't deserve deserve all the best there is...

Wednesday 10 February 2016

As hard as life may seem...
there is always a way...
we are either too blind to see it...
or too scared to take a step...
wake-up every morning being grateful and you would live everyday feeling great...

Tuesday 9 February 2016

love can never be over-emphasized, it can only be abused by those who do not deserve or value it...
     Never let go of what you truly love easily...
     Never hold on unto what you know you can't have...

     Never be too quick to fall in love...
     Never hesitate to express your love...

     Never think you gave too much when you're in love...
     Never expect to get an equal proportion of what you offered...

                           NEVER say NEVER

      Cuz miracles happen every day and dreams still come through..


Distance plays two roles in relationships...realizing the fact you can't live without your lover or it unveils to you that you could do perfectly okay without them... 

Sunday 7 February 2016

When hard-work stumbles on opportunity and then fortunately accompanied by favour...success is highly inevitably....  
Dreams come through everyday...yours could too!..either by working towards it and nurturing it or by simply having faith...
A Poem by Azoribe Soc Da Nations

By your cries,
I Concluded
Twas wrong to cut ties.
With My image.
In the former age
You were fallen
But now proven
Through Jesus
And the scriptures
You are mine!
O man, I am thine!
Same standing!
Same understanding!!
But what is it
You don't believe?
Who captained it
That you won't receive
Jesus the Messiah
The expression of my desire?
Who died to bring you into my family
So I can live amicably
With me in you
And you in me?
This covenant is new,
Can't you See?
"Money isn't everything", very true!...but it makes every other thing easier!

Saturday 6 February 2016

Good things happen to those who wait but never expect to get the same results with those who go after the good things they want....
A very slight change in a person's fixed behaviour can result into an enormous change in results, positively or negatively....
Never ever do things that will hurt you, remember in this world you are no1...every other person or thing falls below...
Money can't guarantee more money but the management and effective utilization of money generates more money....

Friday 5 February 2016

Never loose your happiness in the long run in an attempt to make someone's else're the most important person to yourself...
miracles happen every day...position yourself to tap from it...
There are only two ways in a relationship..its either you get married or you breakup..
Do all you can to stay happy but never hurt others in your pursuit of happiness....
At that point when it appears like nothing you do seems to be working...take a purse but not quit, to re-strategise, then get re-invigorated and then you push harder!

Thursday 4 February 2016

Life becomes extremely dangerous when there is no set of goals, no drive and no motivation..
It is okay to be patient for good things to happen, but it is wiser to go after the things we want...

Wednesday 3 February 2016

A slight deviation away from a person's goal and desire can result to an opposite outcome or could take a relatively longer time in achieving them...stay focused!
The more focused and engrossed we are towards our dreams, goals and visions...the lesser the amount of time it would take in achieving them..

Tuesday 2 February 2016

When you get to that point where you see no reasons to keep trying..and you want to give up...
then try harder for people who still believe in you...
pull through for those who want to see you remain down there..
If only we knew how long we'd live, only then can we apply wisdom to every second and have fun when you can...add a smile on someone's face without them asking...give without when you find and live without explaining...
When it's comes to the point of going after what you want, love or desire in life,  no shouldn't be an answer..turning back shouldn't be an opposite direction isn't your destination..

Monday 1 February 2016

Before you choose to compromise or choose to remain in the trench of pain you are presently covered in just don't forget that in this world, you are the most important thing to your self. So go out there and do exactly what makes you happy.
We all deserve a chance to be happy...but its a personal choice to take a step towards the world of happiness or to remain in the pit of pain...
"Life" they say is tough but it's our choice to make it easier or harder than it seems...have fun when you can. its true what they say "life is too short"

                                                          we are what we say we are
The best and the most important way to change the condition of things is just to take that first bold step and you'd be surprised with the enormous differences in the result.
Its a new month. A new week. A new day. A fresh, brand new opportunity to make things right. To be the YOU you've always wanted to be. Your yesterday may have been messed up. Your past may be full of broken bottles and tears and pain and heartache. But, for how long are you gonna be tormented by those ghosts? Those tears have been an identity for too long. And, Jesus says 'Remember not the former things...for I come to make all things anew'. Seize this day. Rise up to your storms. Start right. Pray for strength and grace. And, look up steadily in spite of the rumblings below and about. Have your sight fixated on the mark. And, surely you shall have good success and your way shall be made prosperous. Happy new month!