Tuesday 26 April 2016

they usually say they understand but i know deep down that they have no idea...
sometimes i wish life was a lot more easier
there are things we can't avoid no matter how much we try and things we just can't do no matter how much we plan...things sometimes just happens and that's life...
we may not always have tomorrow to say what's in our thoughts & express what's in our hearts..why not do it today...

Friday 22 April 2016

it's a terrible feeling to finally see what you've been so searching for, only to let it slip away...

Saturday 16 April 2016

there is always something to be grateful for
the worst thing is not divorce or breaking up...it's staying in an unhappy marriage or relationship
one of the worst things to do is to break yourself so you could mend others...
she said she's got my back while am still aching from the stab i got the last time i believed that...
nothing as painful as being stuck at a point or place where you don't just belong
create the memories you want to remember and be remembered for #makeanimpact#
what determines your life is not the harsh or favourable circumstances but your attitude towards them#alwaysstaypositive#
yes! time heals ALMOST everything but also remember some wounds are deeper than others#giveittime#
don't look back, it's never the destination but just a limitation#forwardever#
giving so much doesn't guarantee you getting as much#givewithnoexpectations#
scary as it is life is so short: exploit it and make a good use out of it...
if you don't put yourself first and stand for what you want or don't want...they'll either use you or just keep stepping on you...#takeastand#
they mostly say they know exactly how you feel...but that's a lie, they have no idea at all...
i don't think the scary thing in a break up is the pain but the fear of getting someone who would love us as much or someone we'd love that much....
sometimes what keeps us going is the assurance that someone has our backs...

Saturday 9 April 2016

                                                      Impossibility is a choice...
                                                    possibility is a state of mind...
                                 you can do anything you set your mind to do...#tispossible#
In you lies great power and within you lies an even greater power to accomplish whatever you so desire...#youcan#
We all need someone, who will stand by us when every other person leaves...
In the midst of your pain and struggles, look closely and you'll see dozens of reasons to be grateful...
A perfect life is when you're happy and your the reason behind some other people's happiness...
success is measured by the amount of happiness you derive and also the amount you can extend to others...

Tuesday 5 April 2016

Miracles happen everyday...
we're either too blind to see them
or too proud to admit them....
already you are a miracle...

Saturday 2 April 2016

Realize this!
No matter how great and painful your problems are...there is/was somebody somewhere who has faced the exact same thing and overcame...and some others who just gave up...be among the great stories of people who didn't give up...
anybody and everybody can fall but only a few, a very few persons can get up and keep trying...try your best to be amongst that very few!